

A microorganism (also spelled micro organism or micro-organism and also called a microbe) is an organism that is microscopic (usually too small to be seen by the naked human eye). The study of microorganisms is called microbiology, a subject that began with Anton van Leeuwenhoek's discovery of microorganisms in 1675, using a microscope of his own design.

Microorganisms are incredibly diverse and include bacteria, fungi, archaea, and protists, as well as some microscopic plants and animals such as plankton.Many scientists would not include viruses and prions, which are often classified as non-living. Most microorganisms are single-celled, or unicellular, but some multicellular organisms are microscopic, while some unicellular protists, and bacteria called Thiomargarita namibiensis are visible to the naked eye.

Microorganisms live in all parts of the biosphere where there is liquid water, including hot springs, on the ocean floor, high in the atmosphere and deep inside rocks within the Earth's crust. Microorganisms are critical to nutrient recycling in ecosystems as they act as decomposers. As some microorganisms can fix nitrogen, they are a vital part of the nitrogen cycle, and recent studies indicate that airborne microbes may play a role in precipitation and weather.
Microbes are also exploited by people in biotechnology, both in traditional food and beverage preparation, and in modern technologies based on genetic engineering. However, pathogenic microbes are harmful, since they invade and grow within other organisms, causing diseases that kill millions of people, other animals, and plants.

Microbiology-- is the study of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms.
Bacteria-- (pl.bacterium) are a group of unicellular microorganisms.
Archaea-- are a group of single-celled microorganisms. Archaea, like bacteria, are prokaryotes and have no cell nucleus or any other organelles within their cells.
Plankton --consist of any drifting organisms (animals, plants, archaea, or bacteria) that inhabit the of oceans, seas, or bodies of fresh water. Plankton provide a crucial source of food to aquatic life.
Prion-- an infectious protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid; thought to be the agent responsible for scrapie and other degenerative diseases of the nervous system .
Thiomargarita namibiensis -- is a gram-negative coccus Proteobacterium found in the ocean sediments of the continental shelf. Discovered in 1999, it is the largest bacterium ever discovered, with a width up to 750 μm (0.75 mm), making it easily visible to the naked eye.
Nitrogen fixation-- is the process by which nitrogen is taken from its natural, relatively inert molecular form (N2) in the atmosphere and converted into nitrogen compounds
biosphere-- is the part of the Earth, including air, land, surface rocks, and water, within which life occurs, and which biotic processes in turn alter or transform.
Decomposers-- are organisms that consume dead organisms, and, in doing so, carry out the natural process of decomposition.



Time fly ,10 days had past since I have been in london.Gradually,I began to adopt the life here.The first day in london must be my terriblest time in my life, because I could not find anything familiar around. I had got no bank account ,no student card,no web service in my room,and I have to do everything myself including cooking. However, I were still a HAPPY-GO-LUCKY girl, after a good sleep in night ,i felt refreshing in the second morning.In London ,the style of buildings were dramatically different campared with my home towm,on the sides of each street you could find all kinds of typical western constructions .Even the climate here is different, It rained three times during the first day I arrived ,...However,life here were abundant and busy ,I found a lots of fun in attend the pre-english course,and also made a lots of international friends which were really helpful to my english expressions.

Up to now,I am still a house hunting, ,finding house become a popular problem among our international sutdents.But at the same time, I will also focus on the language lessons ,and try my best to improve my english . I also believe that I will have plenty of time to visit the place of interest in london after we settle down ,and everything will be fine.



Along with the development of globalization the traditional pharmaceutic preparation methods are substituted by advanced technics. It can enhance the efficiency of preparation , save work force and make a huge profits. However, this big profits is established on a terrible damadge of our environment and even from some illegal production process,which is a big threaten to our healthy security.In my opinion ,this effect from globalisation must be treat in a proper way ,and keep the balance between the commercial value and the moral principle .


Globalisation: New Rulers of the World http://www.johnpilger.com/page.asp?partid=12
Globalization:From Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization
Globalization: TV programme http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7932485454526581006

Cell biology

Cell biology (also called cellular biology or formerly cytology, from the Greek kytos, "container") is an academic discipline that studies cells their physiological properties, their structure, the organelles they contain, interactions with their environment, their life cycle, division and death. This is done both on a microscopic and molecular level. Cell biology research extends to both the great diversity of single-celled organisms like bacteria and the many specialized cells in multicellular organisms like humans. Knowing the composition of cells and how cells work is fundamental to all of the biological sciences. Appreciating the similarities and also differences between cell types is particularly important to the fields of cell and molecular biology. These fundamental similarities and differences provide a unifying theme, allowing the principles learned from studying one cell type to be extrapolated and generalized to other cell types. Research in cell biology is closely related to genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and developmental biology.

Movement of proteins

Each type of protein is usually sent to a particular part of the cell. An important part of cell biology is the investigation of molecular mechanisms by which proteins are moved to different places inside cells or secreted from cells.
Most proteins are synthesized by ribosomes in the cytoplasm. This process is also known as protein biosynthesis or simply protein translation. Some proteins, such as those to be incorporated in membranes (known as membrane proteins), are transported into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) during synthesis. This process can be followed by transportation and processing in the Golgi apparatus. From the Golgi, membrane proteins can move to the plasma membrane, to other subcellular compartments, or they can be secreted from the cell. The ER and Golgi can be thought of as the "membrane protein synthesis compartment" and the "membrane protein processing compartment", respectively. There is a semi-constant flux of proteins through these compartments. ER and Golgi-resident proteins associate with other proteins but remain in their respective compartments. Other proteins "flow" through the ER and Golgi to the plasma membrane. Motor proteins transport membrane protein-containing vesicles along cytoskeletal tracks to distant parts of cells such as axon terminals.
Some proteins that are made in the cytoplasm contain structural features that target them for transport into mitochondria or the nucleus. Some mitochondrial proteins are made inside mitochondria and are coded for by mitochondrial DNA. In plants, chloroplasts also make some cell proteins.

Extracellular and cell surface proteins destined to be degraded can move back into intracellular compartments upon being incorporated into endocytosed vesicles. Some of these vesicles fuse with lysosomes where the proteins are broken down to their individual amino acids. The degradation of some membrane proteins begins while still at the cell surface when they are cleaved by secretases. Proteins that function in the cytoplasm are often degraded by proteasomes.


ORGANELLE - term used for major subcellular structures
CHLOROPLAST - key organelle for photosynthesis
CILIA - motile microtubule-containing structures of eukaryotes
CYTOPLASM - contents of the main fluid-filled space inside cells
CYTOSKELETON - protein filaments inside cells
RIBOSOME - RNA and protein complex required for protein synthesis in cells
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - major site of membrane protein synthesis
FLAGELLA - motile structures of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes
GOLGI APPARATUS - site of protein glycosylation in the endomembrane system
LIPID BILAYER - fundamental organizational structure of cell membranes
VESICLE - small membrane-bounded spheres inside cells
MITOCHONDRION - major energy-producing organelle
NUCLEUS - holds most of the DNA of eukaryotic cells
CELL DIVISION - a cell division process called mitosis.
SIGNALING - Regulation of cell behavior by signals from outside.
ACTIVE TRANSPORT AND PASSIVE TRANSPORT - Movement of molecules into and out of cells.
ADHESION - Holding together cells and tissues.
CELL MOVEMENT - Chemotaxis, Contraction, cilia and flagella ,DNA repair and Cell death
METABOLISM - Glycolysis, respiration, Photosynthesis
AUTOPHAGY - The process whereby cells "eat" their own internal components or microbial invaders



My name is YiFan Zhang, as everyone else, I have got a english name which is called emily, I am from Beijing, the capital of china, and I study pharmacy in ShangHai Traditonal Chinese Medicine University.My home town is an attractive place that every year tens of thousands of people from all over the world visit the place of interest and the fashion constructions here.And it is exciting that we are holding the 29th Olympic games right here in the National Gymnasium.This is my first year going abroad, and I am so glad to see the beautiful buildings on the side of street in London. It is quite different from my home town that the constructions here are in the special style which belong to the old Europe only.

I have a large number of hobbies in my life.I love arts, so I am drawing,singing and playing instruments; I love sport, so I am skating, swimming and playing ball games.I also like collecting stamps,photographing ,PS and playing net games etc. But what I like the best is to study entomology by myself, and make my own collections of insects specimen.(MY ONLINE INDEX OF MY COLLECTION http://hi.baidu.com/zyf_emily/album/Îҵı걾ÊÕ¼¯ ) The only thing to make me disappointed here is I can not find a time to get in touch with the native creatures.

As a pharmacy student, I will attend BSc Herbal Medicine Science courses in Metropolitan University ; as a commutative student from ShangHai University of T.C.M. I have to finish my fourth year of pharmacy. It will be a challenge for me to get familiar with london, because there are really lots of things I can not adopt or understand,But I believe I will overcome those unpleasant things and be successful in the future:)