
Selfstudy on Globalization

3. Globalization as an Historical and a Dialectical Process, INO ROSSI, Frontiers of Globalization Research. (XII, pp27-63).
5.Pharmacy Technicians.<http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos252.htm#nature >, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections
6. Use and development of gene drug, china knubbly web
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7. The development and production of Antibody drugs , biotechplc pharmacy
8. Trap in sell of drugs under the impact of globalization, pharmnet
< http://news.pharmnet.com.cn/news/2005/07/11/148229.html>
9. Introduction of Federation pharmacy ,
10. New drugs of AIDS from Tai Wan
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13. Jiandan Wang, (2008). ‘Northeast Pharmaceutical enterprise.’ Daily Economic News, 27-08-2008, 08:31am)
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14. Integrative Medicine Institute of China in the Professional Committee of liver disease ‘Guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrosis with integrative medicine.’05, 2006
15. Bernard Lown and Amitava Banerjee, ‘The developing world in The New England Journal of Medicine,’ Globalization and Health, 16-March-2006, 2:3
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17. Greg Martin,‘The global health governance of antimicrobial effectiveness,’
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18. Kelly D Brownell and Derek Yach ‘Lessons from a small country about the global obesity crisis’, Globalization and Health 2006, 2:11
19. Ronald Labonté1 and Ted Schrecker, ‘Globalization and social determinants of health: Promoting health equity in global governance (part 3 of 3),’ Globalization and Health 2007, 3:7
20. ‘Factor Four’ and Sustainable Development in the Age of Globalization ERNST ULRICH VON WEIZSacKER, The Future of Sustainability, 179–192.
. 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands.
21. Bridie O’Reilly, Stuart C. Carr, and Floyd Bolitho ‘Globalization of Human Services for Indigenous Youth in the Northern Territory, Australia.’ Chapter4,pp53-105
22. Ann S Goldman, Robert Yee, Christopher J Holmgren and Habib Benzian
’Global affordability of fluoride toothpaste’, Globalization and Health 2008, 4:7
23. B. Bennett & G.F. Tomossy (eds.), ‘GLOBAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION OF “INNOVATIVE” PHARMACEUTICALS’ Globalization and Health:Challenges for Health Law and Bioethics, © 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands. CHAPTER SEVEN pp87-107.
24.’ Globalization and biogeochemical cycles in the environment’, chapter 2,pp93-138
25. GEORGE F. TOMOSSY & JOLYON FORD‘GLOBALIZATION AND CLINICAL TRIALS Compensating subjects in developing countries’, chapter three, pp27-45. © 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands.
26. B. Bennett & G.F. Tomossy (eds.), Globalization and Health: Challenges for Health Law and Bioethics, pp169-185.© 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands.
27. RONALD LABONTE, ‘Globalization and Health Promotion The Evidence Challenge,’ pp181-200
28. ‘Globalization, Specialization and Innovation Dynamics’ Innovations in Macroeconomics, pp1-108
29. Om Prakash Mathur,’Impact of globalization policies in India’.pp43-58
30. J. SZCZERBAN,’ A Medicine Based on Evidence’ .Chapter 7,pp103-119
31. Problems of globalization and sustainable development, chapter 1,pp2-89
32. Harvard AGPS Style - referencing online sources
33. Virtual Library Pharmacy,< http://www.pharmacy.org/>

1 条评论:

Susannah 说...

An impressive collection of sources on globalisation. It's clear you've done some excellent research. I also enjoyed the mashed potato story!